Elderly Nutrition is important, and proper nutrition is important at every age. Adopting a well-balanced nutritional diet, rich in essential vitamins, antioxidants, and nutrients boosts the immune system, prevents the risk of Heart Disease, and helps the brain to function. As we age, meals become challenging, and not just because of the food on our plates, but the company we keep, and changes in taste and smell.


Senior Centers offer a valuable service and provide nutritional meals to those who are unable to cook or would rather not eat alone. A suggested contribution may be required, but the food is hot and balanced. Other Seniors may also be at tables sharing stories and making new friends, ensuring both physical and social nourishment.


To maintain a healthy diet, avoid skipping meals or indulging in calorie-laden fast food. Invite a neighbor or organize a potluck among friends and family. If attending a church, watch the weekly bulletin for special suppers and opportunities to share a meal with other congregants. Read labels and make healthy choices. Seniors need fewer calories as they age but need not sacrifice flavor. Meal ideas and tips for making desirable meals may be found in Magic Kitchen.


Bridge to Better Living offers information on the nutritional value of a few foods in the following paragraphs. Of course, there is nothing wrong with a little dark chocolate now and then!


Control sodium intake to help avoid heart disease. A recommended daily sodium intake for adults is less than 2,300 milligrams, approximately one teaspoon of salt. High amounts of sodium are found in processed and packaged foods and should be avoided.


Notorious high-sodium items include:

  • Spaghetti and Pasta Sauce
  • Canned foods
  • Condiments – ketchup, barbeque sauce, salad dressings, etc.
  • Cheese
  • Chips, crackers, and bread


Diets high in fiber help reduce cholesterol and decrease heart disease risks. Find fiber in plant-based foods: legumes, grains, fruits, and vegetables. Look for higher fiber ingredients when buying breads, cereal, rice, and grains.

Think lean proteins

  • Whitefish or shellfish
  • Fish high in Omega-3 fatty acids: Salmon, sardines, or mackerel
  • Beans and lentils –dried or canned
  • Unsalted nuts and seeds
  • Tofu
  • Lean poultry


Bridge to Better Living believes in healthy meals with a good finish (see the comment about chocolate!). We love to help our clients remain healthy. Our Transition Consultants also believe in ”Placement with Passion®” helping others benefit from a steady nutritional diet. For a free consultation and escorted tours of Independent, Assisted, Memory Assisted, and Long-Term care call Bridge to Better Living. We care about YOU.