COVID-19 has caused many life changes, there is no doubt. Large gatherings, community-based activities, and unlimited visitation to our Seniors and loved ones are closely monitored or discouraged. Safe practices, face masks, and social distancing are now essential. These recommendations, made with health protection in mind, could additionally cause mental and emotional challenges, especially for vulnerable groups such as Seniors. Advanced age broadens the dangers of being exposed to CoVid-19. However, Seniors need to have support and interaction…wherever they live. Make sure you remain connected with the seniors in your life, no matter where you are.

Importance of Staying Connected

Social distancing measures are assigned to promote health and safety for everyone. Prolonged social isolation could cause instability as connectivity strengthens both mental and physical health. Immune functions are possibly compromised, resulting in additional challenges. We need to stay connected with Seniors emotionally and mentally to support and strengthen their immune systems.

Social isolation may lead to higher risks for the following:

  • Heart disease
  • High blood pressure
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Alzheimer’s Disease
  • Cognitive impairment
  • Reduced immunity

Suggestions to remain connected with Seniors are listed below.

Create a Virtual Book Club

Reading is a perfect way to exercise the brain and escape into another world. Create a book club for the family and include Senior members. You may not be sitting together but discussions are possible by phone or via a social media app. Set up a Facebook group and invite everyone who is a member of the virtual book club to join. Technology presents ways to stay connected with a Senior and discuss readings.

Send a Little Something

Spontaneous gifts generate smiles. Recall favorite items, food, or magazines your Senior enjoys, purchase them online, and have them delivered to their home. A small gesture such as this could make their day.

Technology to Connect

Social Distancing still allows you to see each other’s faces. A daily facetime or skype call helps connect Seniors to family and share updates on events in each other’s lives. Be creative and play card or board games via video calls to break the monotony of isolation.

Encourage Activity and New Hobbies

Healthy diets and daily exercise are always important. Provide your Senior healthy eating guidelines and suggest new meals to create. Choose one night a week where you both make the same meal and video call each other for an “eat-and-meet.” Select a hobby you both could share…sewing, crafts or design are all good choices.

These are truly times of adjustment and realizing the changes in connecting with a Senior accentuates the impact of the CoVid-19 Pandemic. Bridge to Better Living continues to provide guidance and assistance for Seniors looking to find the most appropriate Retirement Living Option. We are able to continue our no cost to client service by using the most current technology. Contact Bridge to Better Living today.