Sleep Remedies for Seniors

“The amount of sleep required by the average person is five minutes more.” Wilson Mizener, American playwright. Oh, so true! We all wish for those extra five minutes when daylight breaks through our dreams.


Life begins by needing 16 hours of sleep. Seven to eight hours is recommended for older and younger adults however those over the age of 65 sleep lighter and have more interruptions.  Sleep is essential for maintaining health, both mental and physical. Half of Seniors report problems falling asleep and a third rely on medications or supplements for assistance according to a University of Michigan study.

Insomnia does not just happen… it is prompted by stress, spending excessive time caring for others and not ourselves, overdoing physical events, time changes or medication adjustments. Often a condition where breathing stops and starts irregularly during sleep, known as sleep apnea, is caused by poor health. Triggers are loud snoring, high blood pressure, a body mass of over 30, or waking with a dry mouth and/or sore throat.


Sleep Remedies

How could Seniors improve sleep? Create a regular sleep schedule by falling asleep at the same time every night. Develop a routine, e.g., shower, brush teeth and listen to soft music. Remove electronic gadgets from the bedroom as blue rays interrupt sleep patterns. Avoid late afternoon naps as well as caffeine, alcohol, and liquids later in the day.


Those who care for Seniors are at risk for “compassion fatigue.” The act of being the sole caregiver for a person who is physically and/or mentally reliant on others is exhausting. Sleep is vital to each and every one despite age.


Bridge to Better Living takes the worry and stress of finding the most appropriate Retirement Option from each of their clients. Expert consultants know how to find the answers and let you sleep. Take care of yourself, Seniors and loved ones. Contact Bridge to Better Living today. They work for you… day and night.