Retirees are extremely lucky. Why? One, they have time on their hands. Two, having had many experiences, Seniors are equipped to make contributions to a community. Three, they are presented with multiple volunteering options. Twenty-five percent of volunteers in America are over the age of sixty-five with Seniors being the backbone of building communities. Communities grow from the positivity and cohesiveness brought by these volunteers. Personal talents and skills in personal relationships, economics, government, education, legislation, medical approaches and more enhance everyone, everywhere. Not to mention there are plenty of health benefits from volunteering.
Volunteering Opportunities
What volunteering opportunities exist for Seniors? How much time do you, the reader, have? Opportunity abounds.
- Local and National organizations welcome the talents of experienced Seniors in groups such as Habitat for Humanity or Senior Corps in countries outside the USA.
- Charity organizations… The Alzheimer’s Association, food banks, meals for the homeless, animal shelters, and donation centers.
- Community gardens nurture the gardener’s soul and the well-being of recipients.
- Schools value volunteers as teacher helpers, Foster Grandparents, field trip chaperones, or one-on-one mentoring.
- Election times call for individuals to call and ask for support for a cause or candidate, offer a ride to the polls, and count votes.
- Seniors gifted with talents of sewing, carpentry, or being a good driver are always needed.
- Companionship.
If you or a loved one would like to volunteer, consider your talents.
- How much time will be spent volunteering?
- Will you be able to say “no” to uncomfortable projects?
- What will you gain?
- What difference will you make?
Volunteers save this country billions of dollars every year. Remember Rosie the Riveter? Father Flanagan took abused boys under his wing and founded Boys Town. The volunteer fire department was started by none other than Benjamin Franklin. Go ahead, be a volunteer! The opportunities are endless.
Bridge to Better Living offers its services free to the client at all times. We believe in taking every step, minute, and resource to ensure each client finds a Senior Community to meet both their needs and wants. Dr. Seuss nailed it when he said, “to the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world.” YOU, the client, mean the world to us.
Contact Bridge to Better Living today.