Active Seniors have a higher quality of life than those who are sedentary and unengaged. Activities for bodies and minds are not only good for your health but keep you interesting and interested.


Opportunities for volunteering are endless. Volunteer activities may engage physical strength such as walking dogs at a shelter or be calming such as rocking babies. Offer to help in schools through Senior Corps, the local PTA, PTO, or a foster grandparent organization. Options may include listening to youngsters read, assisting on the playground, chaperoning field trips or making decorations for bulletin boards.

An AARP database with a listing of volunteer opportunities may be accessed on line or you may find local programs such as Volunteer Match or the Retired Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) for more choices. Create your own opportunities by helping a neighbor or family members.

Volunteering is not only helpful for those receiving assistance but also beneficial for the Senior. Volunteering provides social interaction, an opportunity to meet new people and make new friends. Scientific research proves those who volunteer tend to be healthier, have better mental acuity, improved outlooks, and higher self-esteem. They are also less likely to suffer from loneliness or depression.

Play with the Grandkids

Today’s younger generation seems to be obsessed with technology. Technology is in continual use whether it’s a phone, tablet, or computer. The world is not the same as it was in our youth when we played with neighborhood kids until dark.

If you have grandchildren living nearby take time to play with them. This is a wonderful opportunity to be active. Exercise with a fast game of catch or stretch your mind with board games and cards. Realize you, too, are also creating memories.

Get Physical

Physical exercise has a host of benefits for Seniors. Maintain healthy weight levels, increase endorphins and protect against many major health issues.

Walk. Join a walking group or schedule yourself time to take a stroll. If you have a park or wooded area with paths nearby, use them. Minds and souls benefit from time shared with Mother Nature.

When it is too cold to go outside head to the mall or local YMCA. If you do choose to walk outdoors be sure to dress appropriately. Be especially careful on snowy or icy walkways.

Dancing is one exercise having a major impact on dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. Join a friend or friends on the dance floor. You will be energized and ready to meet even more dance partners.

Stretching exercises are equally important. Yoga or Tai Chi for Seniors is recommended for those with arthritis. Flexibility and balance improve with low-impact exercises and have the added effect of helping increase your strength. Gentle stretching movements produce a calming effect and alleviate stress while increasing strength.

Staying active is of the utmost importance for Seniors. Winters in the Midwest are quite cold and outdoor activities are more enjoyable when you are dressed appropriately. Stay safe and have fun.

Finding the best resources for later life transitions does not need to be challenging. Transition Consultants at Bridge to Better Living provide the information and resources to help make the best decisions for you or your loved one. Contact Bridge to Better Living now to find expert assistance and at no cost to the client.