A season promising warmth and fresh air breathes life into all who have endured the “gray” days of winter. Spring is a chance to be at our best and enjoy not only the change in weather, but a more positive Quality of Life.
Do bodies and minds change with Spring? Of course they do! Science has proven brains, skin, and even hormones respond to spring’s return. Earth tilts more towards the sun during spring, resulting in more light exposure. The Royal Women’s Hospital in Australia (yes, the sun shines there also) reports the body’s melatonin rhythm is affected by sunshine. Melanin, or melatonin, is produced in the skin through sun exposure. Those who enjoy being outside even for small amounts of time do sleep better. Additionally, ninety percent of Vitamin D comes from the sun with only ten percent coming from foods we eat. Vitamin D helps prevent osteoporosis by helping calcium be absorbed into bones.
Endorphins (the happy hormone) and serotonin (the mood-enhancing hormone) are released with exposure to the sun. It is difficult to resist enjoying the beach, pool, or a walk in the park during Spring. Immunity systems are stimulated with increased activity as days become warmer. The drowsy feeling brought by winter disappears when energy is redirected and activity increases.
Walking is a number one choice for being active. Seniors have long histories of walking and for some, walking may be the quickest and only mode of transportation. If your Senior walks be sure they wear appropriate walking shoes and take time to smell the flowers.
Gardening is a second option… tending a garden has been known to improve memory, boost moods, and provide a sense of accomplishment. Thirty minutes of gardening is equal to weightlifting the same amount of time. Seniors will assumedly choose to dig in the dirt, preferably in raised beds.
Spring opportunities include photography, crafts, volunteering at church, attending festivals, playing pickleball, feeding birds, and slathering on sunscreen to play with the grandkids.
Bridge to Better Living loves Spring… almost as much as it loves Seniors and their loved ones. Expert Transition Consultants help families by relieving the stress and uncertainty experienced when searching for the appropriate Senior Living Option. Enjoy the sunshine… contact Bridge to Better Living today.