Dementia has often been assumed to be memory loss yet is so much more. Dementia affects thinking, orientation, comprehension, calculation, learning capacity, language, and judgement as well as presenting economic and social impacts. Dementia is predicted to affect 78 million people in the year 2030, with women and those with lower economic means comprising the majority. There is no cure, but treatments and preventative steps are in place. According to the Alzheimer’s Association an estimated 6.5 million Americans age 65 and older are living with Alzheimer’s dementia in 2022.

Dementia has an impact not only on the patient, but on family, loved ones, and caregivers. The early stages of Dementia could mean fewer work hours or even job loss, resulting in lower income and cash flow. Friends and family may start to drift away, uncomfortable with a new personality. Loved ones will need to adjust their lives as caregiving becomes more encompassing, bringing a string of emotions and difficult decisions.

Understand Dementia. Picture an umbrella (Dementia) with several ribs, each developing from a different source. The most common “ribs” are Vascular Dementia, stroke, Parkinson’s, Lewy Body, and Alzheimer’s. Some are diagnosed with more than one type of Dementia. Take a moment to review a few of the symptoms.


  • Memory loss, poor judgment, or confusion
  • Difficulty speaking, expressing thoughts, reading, or writing
  • Wandering or becoming lost in familiar places
  • Trouble handling money responsibly and paying bills
  • Using unusual words to refer to familiar objects
  • Hallucinating or paranoia
  • Acting impulsively
  • Dementia is NOT a normal part of aging

Are there steps to avoid Dementia? A nutritious diet, exercise, annual checkups, healthy lifestyle, and early detection help curb Dementia. Proper treatment and maintenance of other causes, such as diabetes, brain injuries, excessive alcohol and drug use, depression and metabolic disorders are helpful in slowing or preventing Dementia. The National Health Service states if the risk factors of Dementia were to change, people’s chances of Dementia could be reduced by about a third.

Dementia is hard. Dementia is difficult. Judy Parfitt, an actress on the BBC show Call the Midwife, lost her husband to Vascular Dementia and sums the disease up perfectly in her experience. “If you’re with somebody who has a serious illness, you can usually talk to them, have a laugh every now and then – the person is still with you. With dementia, there’s no conversation; there’s no togetherness, no sharing.” Caregivers appreciate the truthfulness in Tom Brokaw’s often heard quote “Dealing with Dementia patients is a delicate dance for family members, caregivers, and the afflicted. It is one step compassion, two steps patience, three steps deception.” Understand Dementia affects everyone.

Bridge to Better Living welcomes and respects each client and their loved ones. We are committed to Quality of Life in all stages of life’s journey. Contact Bridge to Better Living today to avoid the stress and confusion experienced when deciding to transition to Assisted, Memory Assisted, or Long-Term care. You will be glad you did.