Social and “old-fashioned” media sources are full of ideas to stay healthy, be fit, and reinvent oneself at a “ripe” age. Not all Seniors are able, or even comfortable, being participants, but most do enjoy watching or reading about those who take the challenge of Senior Olympics. Cheer on for the following participants.

Swedish shooter Oscar Swahn was already 60 years old when winning his first Olympic gold medal in 1908. He won the running deer single-shot event and took a second gold the next day in a team event. Swahn also earned a bronze medal in the running deer double-shot contest. You may not think this impressive, but Oscar also won a silver medal at 72!

The Olympics has no age limits. Satchel Paige was almost sixty when he competed in Baseball, Albert Hughes boxed when seventy, Gary Player competed in golf when seventy-three, and Stanislaw Kowalski was one hundred and five when he ran in track and field. Wow!

Seniors now have their own Olympic league, known as Senior Olympics. Adults over the age of fifty are encouraged to compete in several sports, including bowling, cycling, pickleball, golf, and swimming… just to name a few. Each state holds its own Senior Olympics and winners advance to a National Senior Olympic Event. 2024’s competition was held in March in Florida’s Sports Coast/Pasco County. The 2025 National Senior Games are set for July 24-Aug 4 in Des Moines, Iowa.

Seniors who have no wish to enter an Olympic event designed for their age group could design their own Olympics amongst themselves. Competition, like the Olympics, has no age barriers. Many communities have their own walking marathons, cards competition, or trivia nights.

Grab every chance to be a champion. Anyone over the age of five knows winners never quit, and quitters never win.

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