Skincare Protection for Seniors

The largest organ in the body is skin. Amazing! We exercise to keep our hearts, brains, muscles, and joints healthy but skin?

Drier, thinner skin is unavoidable during the aging process. Once one enters their sixties or seventies, “beauty” spots become “age” spots. Bruising becomes common, skin is suddenly itchy, and wounds heal slower. Suddenly, a visit to the dermatologist or personal care provider is as important as a checkup with the cardiologist.

Easy Steps for Skincare Protection

What simple approaches could be implemented to keep skin healthy? The American Academy of Dermatology suggests the following:

  • Bathe with warm (not hot) water and use a soft washcloth.
  • Leave a little water on your skin when drying off to help hydrate when applying moisturizer.
  • Use fragrance free products on your skin.
  • Apply moisturizer not only after bathing but several times a day.

Making these small adjustments on a daily basis can help your skin stay healthy and provide protection for years to come. Daily skincare rituals also have long-lasting positive effects on the rest of your body and mind.

Enjoying The Outdoors While Keeping Skin Protected

The sun can have the most impactful effects on our skin than any external factors. Protecting your skin from harsh sun rays is perhaps, the easiest, and most intentional way of keeping your skin nice and healthy.

While people don’t think of proper clothes as part of their skincare regimen, it can help protect you from having to deal with the affect effects of being in the sun. Outdoor activities are more attractive with the current warm weather and sun is not a friend. Wear loose, lightweight, and light colored clothing to shield the sun’s rays. There are even clothes available at your local sporting goods stores that have sun protection benefits.

But don’t let that be your only protection against the sun; apply a SPF30 strength or more sun block fifteen minutes before going outside and reapply at least every two hours. Avoid the sun during the hottest parts of the day, usually 10 a.m. until 3 p.m. If outside for a long period of time wear a hat with a brim and shield eyes with UV protected sunglasses.

Water Helps Your Skin Stay Healthy

If your Senior smoked, skin is at additional risk for wrinkles and a loss of collagen, leading to less elasticity. Several skincare products containing retinol and/or collagen are on the market. Consult with a dermatologist to  discover which is you or your loved one’s best choice. Skin is thirty percent water,  but we often lose much of it through sweat. Always, always… stay hydrated. Hydration is vital to being healthy inside and out. Staying hydrated can not only have long-lasting, positive, effects on your skin – it helps your entire body stay healthy.

How Medication Affects Your Skin

Medication may affect skin condition by causing dryness excessive or unnecessary bruising. Some antibiotics as well as antihistamines are the usual suspects. Know medication side effects when a new prescription is ordered. If your skin starts to get irritated, you experience sun sensitivity or you develop a rash, consult your doctor.

Do you have questions about issues to address as the Senior in your life gets older? Bridge to Better Living assists Seniors, their families, and loved ones in all types of circumstances. When researching Independent, Assisted, Memory Assisted and Long-Term care Communities for clients, our Transition Consultants examine every detail to ensure Quality of Life. Consult with Bridge to Better Living when considering a transition to Retirement Living. Services are free-to-client at all times.