Grandparents are important… important enough to have a day, September 12th   this year, dedicated to them. Are grandparents a large portion of the population? Ten years ago, the census revealed 2.7 million grandparents provided a grandchild’s basic needs; imagine what the 2020 census will show.

Grandparenting allows more time to spend with growing youngsters than when being a parent. Patience comes easily while the opportunity to view the world anew through an excited grandchild’s eyes is priceless. The pressure of parenting lessens when becoming a grandparent. An opportunity to connect a new generation with the traditions of the past and grow roots, history, a sense of pride and the confidence needed to conquer the complexities of the world are imparted by grandparents.

Children need someone other than their parents to confide in and grandparents are generally the first people they trust. Having more than one adult in their life helps nurture social and emotional development. They are able to share valuable life experiences with the next generation. Margaret Mead once stated connections between the generations are “essential for the mental health and stability of a nation.”

Grandparents learn from grandchildren as well as teach them. Have trouble understanding the technology of a new phone? Hand it to a youngster. Want to surf the internet but hesitant to give it a try? Partner with a grandchild. Seniors and the world need a younger generation to guide them into the next decade. After all, Seniors have learned from their ancestors why shouldn’t grandchildren? Connectivity between generations is very much needed. Each generation depends on the diligence of grandparents. They, after all, are immortal.

Grandparents who listen to the stories and conversations of their grandchildren benefit in many ways. Spending one day a week with grandchildren improves cognizance. Depression is lessened when spending time with grandchildren; laughter seems easier; watching animated movies is more fun with a youngster.

Bridge to Better Living believes in the powers of elders… especially grandparents. Often a grandchild will ask for assistance in transitioning their grandparent to new Senior Options… Independent Living, Assisted Living, Memory Assisted or Long Term Care.  Expert consultants at Bridge to Better Living live Passion with Placement® and look forward to guiding everyone who has a grandparent to the best and most appropriate community. Contact Bridge to Better Living today.