Life in general accentuates contrasts between men and women, but the aging process highlights differences even further with a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s Disease (AD).

More women than men suffer from Alzheimer’s. This may be supported by realizing women have a longer life span. The reasons could be many…Hormones? Genetics? Stress? Cortisol, the hormone for stress, is more prevalent in men, meaning males are better equipped to manage tension. Two thirds of caregivers caring for others with Alzheimer’s are women and challenged with anxiety on a daily basis. Stress, unsurprisingly more dominant in women, is one of the top ten triggers of Dementia.

Men are more prone than women to have diabetes, another top ten cause of Alzheimer’s. More women are obese due to pregnancies, menopause, and usually have up to eleven percent more body fat than their male counterparts. On the bright side women have better verbal memory and tend to score better at cognitive assessments. So… how do the genders differ after a diagnosis?

Because women live longer there is an increased risk of being diagnosed with other maladies. Females may debilitate faster than men and be additionally prone to falls, hearing loss, or heart problems. Men are stronger and “act out” more than women. Men, however, embrace denial much longer and are diagnosed later.

Truly, this author could write ad nauseum about differences in those diagnosed with AD. Every person is different, but each piece of medical information boils down to where the patient grew up, was educated, if they experienced good health, was born with healthy genes, and if they maintained a positive attitude. Studies continue in both the cause and cure of Alzheimer’s Disease.

Bridge to Better Living respects the integrity of each and every Senior. There is a place for every person to maintain Quality of Life, and we are experts in helping clients choose a Memory Assisted Community best meeting their or a loved one’s needs and wants. Transition Consultants on our team believe and practice Placement with Passion®. Contact Bridge to Better Living today. We will be with you each step of the journey.