Days do appear longer for Senior Living Communities residents when visitors are not allowed. The CoVid-19 crisis in our country is currently facing emphasizes the need to discourage the mental effects of social distancing. Bridge to Better Living hopes the following suggestions for activities will help close the gap between Seniors and visitors who are now socializing in unique ways.

Workshops & Classes

Take advantage of technology. Books are available on tape and those in book clubs are able to still converse with apps such as Zoom, FaceTime and Skype. Apps for mental acuity are available online and smartphones. Have a staff member assist your loved one in downloading and using apps if they are new to social media.


Videos may be ordered and sent to residents. Suggest movies to have the community stream. A wonderful gesture would be to create your own video with family members or record the outdoors during a daily walk. Your Senior will smile when they view life outside their walls. If you are a member of a musical or theater group or know of one take entertainment to the outdoors and showcase acts to the residents. Applause will be heard from every window.


Exercise helps Seniors increase mobility, relieve symptoms of dementia and fight depression. Most Assisted Livings offer one or more types of exercise. Yoga and Tai Chi are often used to help residents remain active and new fitness classes such as Zumba and Qigong are being introduced. Encourage your loved one to participate when you visit with them.


Karaoke is enjoyed by people of all ages. Tunes from the past are fun to sing along with and most of us still remember the words. Communities could create competitions similar to ones on television or stream via technology.

Special Events

A special event does not need to occur on a designated day. Plan now to have a senior prom, outdoor carnival or imaginary beach party. Pull out magazines and craft supplies to create backdrops and table decorations. Activities out of the ordinary can put a smile on Seniors’ faces for a long time after the event.

Arts & Crafts

Print fun adult coloring pages with colored pencils and mail (or drop off) to the community.  Coloring is soothing and distracts from reasons for anxiety. Go a step further and ask the community to have an art show and display everyone’s masterpieces.

If you have a loved one who is a resident in a Senior Living Community be sure to visit them by any safe means possible.  Social Distancing is not Social Confinement…we still need to reach out to those we love.

Bridge to Better Living is committed to Placement with Passion®. Until we are able to meet one-on-one with clients and communities, we are using technology is being used to remain in step. The needs and wants of Seniors and their loved ones continue the need to have expert guidance and assistance. Bridge to Better Living is conducting consultations and tours of communities virtually. YOU are always important to us. Contact Bridge to Better Living today through our website or by calling 402.802.3301.