Medical and physical issues may disallow activities once performed with ease. Research reveals the importance of staying physically and mentally active in our Senior years. Here is a listing of activities both enjoyable, healthy, and safe for Seniors of all ability levels.


Stretching – Keep the body’s muscles in good shape. Muscle flexibility is an area where the old adage use it or lose it may actually be true. When muscles are not stretched they tighten and shorten, decreasing flexibility.


Stretching exercises nourish muscles and support cartilage by increasing blood flow. Stress is also decreased. Stretching relieves tension and lets muscles and minds ease and relax. A full body stretch upon waking will start endorphin’s flowing and stretching gently before bed aids in a pleasant sleep experience.


Yoga – A more mindful form of stretching exercises is yoga. This practice has been used for decades as an exercise to help improve flexibility. Yoga stresses the importance of mindfulness. While this term may conjure up images of people twisted into pretzel shapes, there are much easier and gentler poses available. Modifications exist for those with limited abilities. Some positions use a chair or table to help with stability. Increased flexibility ,range of motion ,balance, mental calm and clarity are all great benefits of the practice Yoga.


Meditation – Issues at home between family members, in the community and the world at large cause stress to continually build to higher levels. Anxiety leads to muscle tension as well as mental fatigue. An activity used to quiet the mind and ease stress is meditation. When done correctly meditation lowers blood pressure, a definite health benefit. Deep breathing causes blood to be enriched with oxygen and improves circulation. All of the body’s organs benefit including even the digestive tract and the brain.


Gardening – It is so rewarding to work the soil and grow new life in your own yard. A special treat awaits those who are able to work in a garden. If a traditional garden is not feasible modifications exist. Many people have raised garden beds to avoid the strain of bending and reaching. Gardening roller seats are available to further ease traditional gardening. Another choice perfect for small spaces, patios or balconies is container gardening.


Indoor gardening has taken on a new life. Simply a few plants to grow herbs in a kitchen garden is enjoyable. Make your own sunshine with artificial lighting.


Creativity – Being creative has a wide variety of forms. Many Seniors enjoy exploring new and undiscovered artistic and creative talents. Writing poetry or stories has become popular among Seniors. Painting in its various forms is also becoming popular. Some people use the translucency of watercolor, while others prefer the pliability of oils or acrylics. Some communities offer acting opportunities for Seniors as well as musical endeavors. Creative experiences are exceptional in easing tension. Pick up some markers or colored pencils and settle in with one of the new popular adult coloring books. Allow your mind to drift to more pleasant realms.


Music – Listening to music has many health benefits. Music has been shown to have a strong positive effects on people with Dementia and Alzheimer’s. Get into the beat of the music, hum along, dance or simply enjoy the experience of listening.


Discover new and enjoyable activities for Seniors. Whether looking for activities for a loved one or for yourself Bridge to Better Living® is here to help you find the best community for social activities for each of its families. Schedule your consultation today.