It does, however, weaken the immune system. A day spent outdoors requires appropriate precautions to be taken in order to stay healthy, especially during this flu season.

Flu shots are recommended every year but safe health habits and hygiene are equally important. Cover your mouth when coughing, wash hands frequently and avoid crowds. The flu season is typically from December to February but with winter weather one does not want to take chances. We have gathered our best tips and resources to help protect you during Nebraska’s cold weather.

Flu Prevention

  1. Wash hands often – This may be common sense but remember to wash your hands after touching high traffic areas: handrails, public restrooms, doors and after shaking hands at a social event. Carry and use hand sanitizer.
  2. Use disposable items – If someone in the household is already having symptoms use paper cups. Store toothbrushes separately and do not share pillows or blankets.
  3. Use paper towels in the kitchen and bathroom – Common cold viruses love to stick to surfaces…especially fabric. Bacteria survive in the strongest of detergents and it is best to avoid sharing towels until everyone has become healthy.
  4. Keep living areas clean, clean counters with antiseptic wipes and avoid sharing pillows and blankets/throws with others. Dispose of used Kleenexes and launder often.

Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle

If you have a strong immune system during flu season the chances of becoming ill are minimal. Use preventative procedures daily and boost your immune system with vitamins. If you are often on the move doing errands, buying groceries or visiting in communities with a high population of residents, consider wearing an anti-viral face mask to prevent contracting air-borne viruses.

What to Expect with the Flu

The flu may last one to four days or one to two weeks. The most severe symptoms occur at the beginning stages. Experts agree you should stay at home until symptoms (a cough with mucus, vomiting, diarrhea or fever) subside. It is important to take care of yourself and make rest a priority.

Home remedies do exist, but it is best to schedule an appointment with your doctor and be confident you are in good health. Recognize the symptoms of flu so as not to confuse them with pneumonia.

Is There a Cure?

Unfortunately, there are no cures for the common cold or the flu. Vaccination is the best choice for prevention. The flu is a powerful illness and is life-threatening for Seniors, especially those who have chronic illnesses. Flu shots are covered by Medicare and most insurances, so be proactive and get one to stay healthy this flu season. If you are over the age of 65, a stronger dose is available.

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