Alzheimer’s is a progressive type of dementia affecting thinking, behavior, and memory. Patients with advanced Alzheimer’s may lose their ability to communicate and care for themselves. Treatments are available but there is no cure for Alzheimer’s. One successful treatment involves an activity we all enjoy…music.


Why Music?

Music has often been demonstrated to stimulate sections of the brain used for memory retention and recall as well as lessen stress, anxiety, and depression. Alzheimer’s patients using this therapy have demonstrated improved memory, quality of life, communication skills, and overall health. The Mayo Clinic states “listening to or singing songs can provide emotional and behavioral benefits for people with Alzheimer’s disease and other types of dementiaMusical memories are often preserved in Alzheimer’s disease because key brain areas linked to musical memory are relatively undamaged by the disease.”


Quality of Life

An Alzheimer’s patient finds music an invigorating change of pace, especially if it is a childhood song or hymn sang when attending church services. Music stimulates happiness and positive perceptions of quality of life when individuals are connected and the experience is shared. There is no pressure to verbalize with melodies. A day started with music may lighten moods and open reception to more cognitively stimulating treatments.



If, during their childhood, a person diagnosed with Alzheimer’s learned to play an instrument and/or read music the chances of early onset dementia could be decreased. Music improves cognition and attention while triggering emotions to recall memories once lost. Studies indicate music enhances encoding abilities (the ability to retrieve information)and activates the nervous system by alleviating neuropsychological symptoms..



Music is also responsible for improved physical health. Lower blood pressure and controlled respiration rates are seen in a number of post-surgery patients who listened to music during recovery. Music also encourages movement. Moving to music is an effortless way to increase physical activity and improve balance. Stroke patients have benefitted by the use of music therapy, finding verbal communication recovery more expedient. A brain registering music  performs complex tasks improving brain function and encouraging new neurological connections.



Innovative research emerges every day for music therapy. Music is an inexpensive and simple approach to connect with a loved one having Alzheimer’s. Many Senior Communities use music therapy and find it beneficial for their residents.


Bridge to Better Living maintains working relationships with all levels of communities…Independent, Assisted, Memory and Long-Term Care. They will help find a living option offering the services and amenities adding Quality of Life to your loved one. Call Bridge to Better Living now to begin the orchestration of your search for a Senior Living Option. Bridge to Better Living’s theme song, if set to music, would be titled Placement with Passion®. We care about YOU.